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About us

Votech A/S was started in December 2020 by Per Larsen, Thomas Boll and Lars Nygaard, each of whom had a background of familiarity with the development, manufacture and sale of slurry equipment. It began with the development, calculations for and design of a VG2-20 DW tanker. This is a 20-tonne tanker with a Dog Walk that began operation in mid-March 2021. In addition to this, one VG3-25 tanker, one VG3-32 tanker, two VT3-36 trailers and one VP2-13 Poly tanker were supplied in time for the first season. 

Development continued, and in the autumn of 2021 another product was available to present – the VP series, a type of tanker with a fibreglass/poly tank developed with a low unladen weight. The VP series can be supplied in capacities from 7–20 m3. Then, after the first eleven months, the VG, VT and VP series were developed.

If you have any queries, please feel free to get in touch with us

We always have time to talk to you. To find out more about our products, or if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
​(NB: all brochures are in Danish)


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